Why not use a voice assistant?

Why not use a voice assistant?

One of the most frequently asked questions we get is why someone wouldn’t choose a voice assistant like Siri or Alexa over our adaptable smart switch, Sofii. So here are seven reasons why voice assistants aren’t always the answer to solving accessibility in the home....
What is the Ablenet Blue2 Bluetooth Switch?

What is the Ablenet Blue2 Bluetooth Switch?

Introduction The Ablenet Blue2 Bluetooth Switch is a device specifically designed to provide individuals with physical disabilities the ability to control devices with the press of a button. This switch is intended to be used by those with limited mobility, such as...
What is Apple Home?

What is Apple Home?

Introduction Apple Homekit is a software framework designed to help you control your smart home devices. It works with many of the popular home automation products available on the market, and it lets you manage all of your devices from one central hub. In this blog...